Sanctity of Life

Some issues can leave us feeling pretty small and insignificant. Check out the U.S. National Debt Clock if you don’t believe me: As I took a breath to think about what to write next, it increased by an amount that vastly outpaces my yearly salary. A mistype and backspace just cost me another years salary. Who said blogging is free?  Other issues can feel out of our control, preview, or authority. This morning, as you leisurely read the paper, drink your cup of coffee, or watch your kids soak up their Saturday morning cartoons, know that you can make a difference in the national conversation swirling, sometimes vitriolically, around the Right to Life issue. and the Colson Center shared a resources for all believers (, all advocates for human rights and the unborn. When you feel small. Pray. When you feel insignificant. Pray. Each time you do, you turn to our Lord who is neither small or insignificant. Pastor and author John Bunyan remarked:

You can do more than pray, after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed.

Check out the Colson Center resource that helps all of us become more educated, focused, and engaged.

Let’s stand together and let our voices be heard, let’s hit our knees together and pray to our Lord, and let’s together show Christlike love to all sides of the abortion issue.